Encourage an orderly expansion and develop of all segments of the community
Facilitates the export and import of products between the USA and The Gambia.
Establish partnership with U.S investors and Gambian entrepreneurs

Welcome to The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) The Gambia

The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) The Gambia, was formed and opened in May 2010. The organization is a voluntary partnership of business and professional people working together to build a healthy economy and to improve the quality of life in our community by multiplying trade opportunies. It also takes the responsibilty as an economic developer and planner, tourist information center, business spokesperson, economic counselor and teacher.

Ensure to increase of expected sales
Also improving the economic vitality of the community and enhance the quality of life, promoting the nation's private enterprise system of competitive marketing, make a better understanding of business and entrepreneurship to add value to investment between the Gambia and the United States. The Chamber will further improve the general welfare of its society; contribute to the overall economy stability of all segments of the community. Most importantly we acknowledge the needs of members.
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